

A concussion is an injury to the brain caused by rapid movement of the brain against the internal wall of the skull.  This can be caused by a direct blow to the head: by a ball, the ground, or another athlete.  Or by a hit to the body, which causes rapid movement of the head and neck.

Each concussion is unique and needs to be treated on an individual basis.  Please follow the link below for more information on signs/symptoms, when additional medical care is needed, and how to handle a concussed athlete at home.

Link to Concussion Home Care

If you suspect that your son or daughter has a concussion, have them evaluated by a provider who specializes in concussion evaluation and management.  Call us at 510-629-0260 to be evaluated and for an individualized plan to return your son or daughter back to participation.

Injury Prevention

The best way to keep an athlete on the field is to prevent the injury from occurring.  One of the best tools to determine what is needed to prevent injury is to be tested using a Functional Movement Screen.  A series of movement patterns are used to identify compensations that an athlete makes when performing these movements.  Those compensations are evaluated and a program is designed for each individual athlete to correct muscular and structural imbalances, relax tight muscles, strengthen underused muscles, and improve muscular efficiency – thus, reducing injury risk.

Call or Text 510-629-0260, or click “Book An Appointment” to schedule an evaluation and treatment plan.  We will provide you with individualized information to increase athletic performance and reduce injury risk.

Treatment of Acute Injury

If your son or daughter has experienced an injury call or text 510-629-0260, or click “Book An Appointment” to schedule an orthopedic injury evaluation with immediate treatment.

Available Services

Treatment of Orthopedic Injury

The Athletic Training Room is staffed by athletic trainers with many years of diverse sports medicine experience at all levels of competition. We have been trained to progress an injured individual from initial injury back to full participation using evidence-based practice to ensure that the best care is given to each individual. All active people are susceptible to injury and our staff is here to return you to the activities you love.

Pre/Post-Operative Rehabilitation

The Athletic Training Room is staffed with certified athletic trainers who specialize in rehabilitation of sports and activity related orthopedic injuries. We use an evidence-based approach to the rehabilitation of sports and orthopedic injuries by applying the most current research and working with your surgeon. We work with you before your surgery to enhance the outcomes and then develop your long-term rehabilitation program designed on an individual basis, to speed your recovery. ” We are committed to returning each individual to the fullest participation level in the activity they love.

We believe each person should expect the quality of care that was once exclusive to professional athletes. Contact our staff for an evaluation and consultation about your injury.

Manual Therapy

Each of the certified athletic trainers at The ATR have been trained in various methods of manual therapies, including Graston Technique, myofascial decompression or “cupping”, myofascial release, joint mobility, stretching, and deep tissue massage. We help our clients; improve flexibility, range of motion, and mobility, enhance athletic performance, and decrease pain, soreness, and injury risk.

Education Opportunities

At The ATR, we value education, and provide materials for coaches, parents, athletes, and other athletic trainers in order to encourage evidence-based practice.


The ATR is committed to the health and safety of every athlete.  We help to accomplish this by educating parents on recognition and understanding of injuries, injury prevention methods, and basic treatment information.  If you have any questions regarding a specific injury, please contact us at 515-964-5000


The ATR is committed to the health and safety of every athlete.  We provide educational opportunities for coaches to help them recognize common injuries and conditions, provide first aid, and manage emergency situations.

If you are a coach looking to complete your authorization, need to renew certifications, or just interested in evidence-based sports medicine topics – check out the links on this page.

Athletic Trainers

An athletic trainer is an allied healthcare professional who specializes in the prevention, diagnosis, assessment, treatment, and rehabilitation of muscle, ligament, tendon, and bone injuries.

An Athletic Trainer:

  • The first healthcare provider at the scene of an injury

  • Able to recognize and evaluate the injury

  • Provides immediate care when needed

  • Treat short and long term orthopedic injuries

  • Create and Implement rehabilitation programs

  • Provides injury prevention techniques

The ATR is staffed with athletic trainers in a private clinical setting.

We provide educational programming as a BOC provider to keep ATC’s and students up-to-date on the newest information.

We provide AT coverage throughout the state and understand the importance of on-the-field experience for students.  We provide unique coverage opportunities to AT students, which seperates them from their peers

The ATR values volunteer involvement and works closely with IATS and MAATA to enhance the profession of athletic training.

Event Medical Coverage

The ATR values the health and safety of all athletes.  We provide certified athletic trainers at sporting events in the Bay Area and Sacramento.  Athletic trainers are specifically trained to; assess acute orthopedic injury and determine participation status, handle cardiac and respiratory emergencies, evaluate concussions and critical head and neck injuries, and work with event planners to develop emergency actions plans.  We strive to keep athletes safe and healthy while they perform the activities that they love.

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